This series, hosted by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC), is designed to help chaplains with no prior experience learn to read and understand research. It will also introduce research-literate chaplains to important research that will inform their chaplaincy practice and their ability to advocate for its benefits.

This APC-sponsored course is presented as five 60-minute webinar sessions from 1-2pm CDT. While there is a common theme for all the articles in the series, each session will be complete in itself, so participants may register for one, several or all five sessions. Visit the APC website for more information and to register.

Session 1 – February 8, 2022: “The World of Trauma: Vicarious Trauma, Spirituality, and the Evidence-Informed Chaplain”

Session 2 – April 26, 2022: “Understanding the Outcomes of Spiritual Care Through the Eyes of Patients”

Session 3 – June 14, 2022: “Evidence-Based Spiritual Care with Adult Outpatients with Cancer: Documenting Spiritual Assessments”

Session 4 – September 13, 2022:  “Perceived Racial Bias and Potential Impacts on Spiritual Care: Making a Case for Evidence-Based Practice”

Session 5 – November 15, 2022: “Developing a Novel Intervention to Address COVID-related Communication Gaps: ‘This is My Story’ as an Evidence-Based Practice”

The series is designed to help chaplains with no prior experience learn to read and understand research. It will also introduce research-literate chaplains to important research that will inform their chaplaincy practice and their ability to advocate for its benefits.

The aims of the WJC are:

  • To provide participants with resources that can help them critically reflect upon and advance their chaplaincy practice.
  • To provide participants with resources that can help them advocate for the importance of chaplaincy care.
  • To help chaplains develop and maintain research literacy, including the ability to critically read research and where appropriate apply the findings in their professional practice.