Just getting started? You’re in the right place. Below, we’ve curated a list some of the most useful tools and articles to jump start your exploration of research-literate chaplaincy. The short citations below link to an abstract or description; from there you can find the article on PubMed, the publisher’s site, or download the resource directly (where applicable). You can also see our recommendations of key research in content-specific areas here.


Need a little help accessing this material? To find full text copies of the articles we’ve recommended, check with the librarian at your university or hospital. If you don’t have access to a research library or librarian, see if you have access to any of the journals these articles are published in through your professional chaplaincy association. You can check your local public library, too, to see if they subscribe to these journals. As a last resort, you can email the authors and ask them to send you a copy of their article – many will! Once you’ve gotten access to the article, this guide from Rush University can help you make sense of it if you’re new to research.


Once you’ve progressed, check out our resources for taking your research further, connecting with others, or searching for particular articles.


Resources for Clinical Care

Educational Strategies for Chaplaincy and Mental Health