If you’d like to get in touch with fellow researchers, the Transforming Chaplaincy community is ready to help. The experts below have graciously volunteered to discuss chaplaincy with researchers interested in research literacy in practice, education, and administration. They’re leaders in their fields and their service is one of Transforming Chaplaincy’s greatest strengths. We encourage you to reach out, get acquainted, and see how they can help you contribute to research literacy and improve patient outcomes.
Associate Professor Lindsay Carey, MAppSc, PhD
Palliative and Pastoral Care,
School of Psychology and Public Health,
La Trobe Univesity, Melbourne Australia
& Senior Research Chaplain
Joint Health Command
Australian Defence Force, Canberra, Australia
& Editor in Chief
Journal of Religion and Health
Springer Nature Science, New York, US
Email: Lindsay.Carey@defence.gov.au
Email 2: Lindsay.Carey@latrobe.edu.au
Rev. George Handzo, BCC
Director of Health Services Research & Quality
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network
Ellen L. Idler, PhD
Director of Religion and Public Health Collaborative
Emory University
Rev. Dr. Ewan Kelly
Research Co-ordinator
European Institute for Chaplains in Healthcare
KU Leuven
+32 (00) 32 16 17 63
Stephen King, PhD
Manager: Chaplaincy, Child Life, & Clinical Patient Navigators
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
+1 (206) 606-1099
Dr. Simon Lasair
CASC/ACSS Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner
617 Lansdowne Ave
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 1E2
Prof. Carlo Leget
Chair of Care Ethics
Special Professor of Ethical and Spiritual Questions in Palliative Care
University of Humanistic Studies
+31 (0)30 239 01 55
Rev. Kevin Massey, BCC
Vice President, Mission and Spiritual Care
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
+1 (847) 723-8225
Rabbi Michael Schultz
Director of Spiritual Care
Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel
Shane Sinclair, PhD
Associate Professor
Cancer Care Research Professorship
Director, Compassion Research Lab
Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
+1 (403) 220-2925
Professor John Swinton
Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies
University of Aberdeen
+44 (0)1224 273224
Heather Tan, PhD
Manager Education & Research
Spiritual Health Victoria
+61 03 8415 1144
Dr. Anja Visser
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Groningen
+31 50 36 34588
Martin Walton
Professor, Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Studies
Protestantse Theologische Universiteit
+31 088 337 1676