Minnesota TC Fellow contributing in multiple ways
Transforming Chaplaincy Fellow Paul Galchutt has been very active in Minnesota spiritual care:
- Paul will be a co-presenter at the Minnesota Hospice and Palliative Care Conference on Monday, April 15. He will present a 90 minute workshop called “Used to Care: Palliative Burnout Reduction Intervention.” The presentation will discuss the components of this TC funded pilot intervention feasibility study. It will also present on the mixed methods, data collection, and report on the preliminary data findings and results.
- Paul will also publish soon in Caring Connections: An Inter-Lutheran Journal for Practitioners and Teachers of Pastoral Care and Counseling. The quarterly journal is written by and for Lutheran practitioners and educators in the fields of pastoral care, counseling, and education. Paul’s article, “The Formation of a Chaplaincy Researcher,” will be publicized here.
Transforming Chaplaincy is proud of all its Fellows – without them, we would not be transforming the field.